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The flora of Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is dominated by wooden savanna plains, short trees, shrubs, red nut sedge, butterfly pea, bush willows, lemon grass, beard grass, thatching grass. It also features the red acacia and its vegetation is still kept natural and not touched.

A small portion of riverine woodland and kopjes also exists within Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve. The dominant species of trees in Pian Upe include desert date and red acacia. The shrub species include mainly the woolly caper bush and butterfly pea. The reserve also protects harrisonia abyssinica, red spike thorns and others. On the river sides, the dominated vegetation includes the red nut sedge and Vlei bristle grass.


Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve also protects a significant population of mammals, reptiles and bird species which makes it an amazing wildlife safari destination in Uganda, East Africa. Other than flora, the reserve protects mammal species such as jackals, spotted hyenas, cheetahs, civets, roan antelopes, giraffes, wild cats, duikers, Ugandan Kobs, Klipspringers, impalas, Bohor and mountain reed bucks, cape buffaloes, topis, elands, warthogs, rock hyrax, crested porcupines, Four-toed hedgehogs.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve also protects a significant number of primates including olive baboons, patas monkeys and vervet monkeys. There are also reptile species including rock pythons, puff adders, lizards, the common agama, water snakes, chameleons, geckos and chameleons.

Birdlife in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve-Over 242 bird species have been recorded within Pian Upe alone, mostly sheltered in Loporokocho swamp. The amazing birds to expect to look out for on Pian Upe wildlife safari holiday include the white headed buffalo weaver, great hartlaub’s bustards, ostriches, Abyssinian ground hornbill, Karamoja apalis, Jackson’s hornbill, shoe bills, superb starlings, fox’s weaver birds, secretary birds and others.